Range elevation 0 to 1200 m 0.00 to 3937.01 ftĪs with most other salamanders, this species undergoes an aquatic juvenile phase, with external gills and a paddle-shaped tail.These animals are found in the following types of habitat.( Good and Wake, 1992 Nussbaum and Tait, 1977) These salamanders are often found within moist cliff faces or under rock debris in stream beds. Generally, they are found in and near streams or running water they are rarely further than one meter from such an environment and are rarely found deeper than several millimeters under water. They are native to well-forested (largely coniferous) mountain ranges.
Olympic salamanders live in humid climates within the forests of the coastal western United States, preferring cooler climates than most other salamanders. Some populations have also been found from southwestern Oregon to Mendicino County, California, and within the Cascade Mountains of Washington and Northern Oregon. Olympic salamanders are found mainly in coastal areas of the Olympic Peninsula of Washington to northwestern Oregon. Range length 94 to 97 mm 3.70 to 3.82 in.These salamanders typically range between 94 and 97 mm in length, with females being larger than males. They are usually yellow ventrally, with dark patches in some individuals. Olympic salamanders are dark brown dorsally with white guanophore spots.